ATTENTION: Good Hearted Individuals That Want To Build Wealth In Real Estate - NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!

Lou Brown - Award winning real estate mentor and founder of "Certified Affordable Housing"

The Ultimate

Real Estate

Creative Financing

By Helping Good People
On A Path To Home Ownership®

Wealth Builder Workshop

Free 1 Day Masterclass

(Enter Your Details Below To Join Our Next Workshop)

Don’t Wait! Registration Closes Soon!

Next Workshop: June 15th @ 10am EST - 2pm EST

Lou Brown - Award winning real estate mentor and founder of "Certified Affordable Housing"

Is It Really Possible For Me To Make Money

In Real Estate With This Little-Known Strategy?

YES! This 'Secret 1 Day Workshop' is especially for you if...

You want to build a 'purpose-driven' business with lasting positive impact on your community, your self, and your legacy.

You've tried other real estate investing courses that promise big results but never deliver.

You're totally new to this and don't even know where to start and don't want to waste time with strategies that take too much up-front money to execute.

You have done a few deals but want to scale your business with confidence and need a proven template to follow.

If you nodded or said “yes” to any of the above, then YES, this FREE 1-Day Weatlh Building Workshop is 100% for you.

Sign Up Today...

...and I’ll show you step-by-step how to build a highly successful real estate business by creating affordable housing opportunities in your community!

AT LAST! A Way To Build Wealth In Real Estate While Doing Good!

Once-In-A-Lifetime Masterclass!

My Inspiration & Mother - Georgina Brown Sanford

From: Lou Brown

If you want the ONE AND ONLY real estate strategy that can help you build lasting wealth while creating a positive impact,

... then you're at the right place.

Here's the story:

I grew up poor...

I was raised by my immigrant, single mother, who did everything that she could to bless us through her hard work.

I got to see first hand how difficult the 'American Dream' was to achieve.

I personally experienced my mom's heart-break every time she was denied a loan from the bank to buy a home.

I just did not understand how banks could be so heartless and deny deserving people a path to the American Dream.

This became my life's mission

“ There must be a way to achieve home ownership WITHOUT banks ”

For the last 40 years I have focused on building a community of like-minded individuals that want to build wealth through real estate, and be a force for good.

We call it "Doing Good, While Doing Well" ™

Not only has our community helped to create thousands of home ownership opportunities...

But it has also helped hundreds of people make a fortune in real estate & finally escape the rat race.

The secret is how simple the system is!

That is why I created this FREE 3 day-challenge, so that you can experience it first hand for your self and see exactly how you can start your very own Certified Affordable Housing business today!

Make money, escape the rat race, and live the life you want to live by becoming a Certified Affordable Housing Provider ®

Today our community boasts the most millionaires created in any real estate program of its nature, helping countless people retire with the safety and security in real estate,

All while making a positive difference through affordable housing .


We can't keep up with the demand

I am looking for good people that want to make a fortune in real estate by helping other good people on a path to homeownership.

Come meet other people just like you that found purpose & wealth by creating affordable housing opportunities in their communities!

Learn from their stories and experiences exactly how you can build your our very own purpose driven business.

Best part is, that you can join this 3-Day Challenge Today For Free!

Affordable Housing Is the Biggest Opportunity that no one is talking about.

There is a greater need in the market place today than ever before!

This is your chance!

Sign Up Today...

...and we’ll show you, step-by-step on how to build a highly successful “challenge

funnel” for you, your business, or your clients’ businesses... and then give you the

funnel template for FREE!

AT LAST! The “Funnel Guy” Teams-Up With The “Challenge Guy” For A

Once-In-A-Lifetime Masterclass!

From: Russell Brunson

Dear Frustrated Business Owner:

If you want the ONE AND ONLY funnel that runs like clockwork to bring in new customers on the daily... without fuss, daily maintenance, or figuring it out on

your own...

... then you're at the right place.

Here's the story:

I was cornered...

Pedro Adao, a member of my Inner Circle, cornered me in Mexico at our

mastermind and asked me point blank:

“ If you had just ONE funnel, what funnel would that be?”

And I told him the truth:

“It would be the Challenge Funnel.”

Why the “Challenge Funnel”?

...Because “challenge funnels” are the fastest way to get results, have online success, and transform ice cold prospects into red-

hot buyers!

Simply put – it's the perfect funnel if you want MORE leads and MORE sales in a FRACTION of the time it would normally take than

with a regular ol' lead capture funnel.

Plus, they are the BEST funnels for folks that don’t want to build funnels... but want a working funnel for their business!

Challenge Funnels work, and they are incredibly effective, especially if you’re just getting started.

When Pedro started, he didn’t have an email list or any social media following to speak of... and wasn’t even trying to launch or sell anything when he ran his first challenge.

But he served his audience so well in the challenge, that many of the participants begged him to keep the training going.

Since then, Pedro has personally done over 70+ highly-profitable challenges and partnered with world-renowned entrepreneurs, helping them with their own challenges!

Challenge Funnels are being used by the biggest names including Grant Cardone, Dan Kennedy, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, myself (Russell), Brooke Castillo, and a TON more!

Join Today:

FREE Wealth Building Workshop!

When you say “yes” and join the workshop for free today, we’ll show you, in just

1 day, how to easily (and quickly) build and launch your very own

Certified Affordable Housing Business ®

FREE Wealth Building Workshop

Secret One!

Finding Deserving Home Buyers

(And Why You Are So Needed In Today's Market)

In secret #1 we’re going to show you:

Exactly why there is such a demand in the market place for affordable housing and how you can tap in to make a fortune!

How you can start generating leads today.

Why THIS business can build wealth for anyone that is willing to put in the work.

Secret Two!

Finding Motivated Home Sellers

(And Why It's Easier Than You Think!)

In secret #2 you will uncover:

What kind of homes and properties to look for in your area.

How easy it is to use AI driven software to help you find the hottest deals in your market place.

Why this is some thing that anyone can do even if they are brand new to real estate!

Secret Three!

Creating An Irresistible Offer

(And How To Beat Your Competition With Creative Financing!)

In secret #3 you will discover:

What kind of homes and properties to look for in your area.

How easy it is to use AI driven software to help you find the hottest deals in your market place.

Why this is some thing that anyone can do even if they are brand new to real estate!


Challenge Traffic Secrets!

On day 4, we’re going to show you how to fill up your challenges for freewith one super simple and proven organic traffic secret PLUS one powerful paid traffic secret for those of you that are ready to scale.

With Special Guests:


Richmond Dinh


The Secrets To Selling While Serving

On the fifth and final day of the challenge, we’ll show you what and how to teach in your challenge so your participants feel well served and excited
about moving forward with you and your offer.

This is especially for you if you struggle with feeling sales-y when trying other “pitching” methods.

With Special Guests:


Dean Graziosi


What Is A “Challenge Funnel”

(And Why Is It The Only Funnel Your Business Needs)?

Want to see MORE real-world examples of challenge funnels, including case studies?

Then don’t miss the bonus day! This is a great opportunity to see how challenge funnels work in today’s market and for all different types of entrepreneurs and niches.

With Special Guests:


John Parkes

But Hurry! We're Filling Up Fast...

We are limited on our virtual bandwidth. That means once we’ve reached capacity, we’re

closing down this page...

So Don’t Wait! Join The Wealth Building Workshop For Free Right Now!

Your Host During This

1-Day Wealth Building Workshop!

Lou Brown is the founder of the Certified Affordable Housing Provider® Program. He is a real estate coach, mentor & private lender with over 40 years experience.

Lou is the man behind many of the today's best investors, mentors, and coaches in the industry!

He is known as the "millionaire maker", because of how many people have been able to make millions and retire using his system.

What makes Lou unique is that his system is focused on building wealth while making a positive impact in your community.

This is the secret to sustainable & scalable wealth.

In this challenge you will get to work directly with Lou in a live environment getting to receive his secrets directly from him & ask all of your questions!

Russell Brunson ──────

Pedro Adao is an 8-Figure Entrepreneur, who started 2018 with $0 sales online and grew to over $10M a year in sales by 2020.

Has profitably run over 70+ challenges in a row, the #1 Go-To Marketing Industry Expert on Challenges, and the innovator of the 5-Day Challenge Framework that has changed the entire landscape of online marketing.

He’s also a 8-time ClickFunnels Two-Comma Club Award winner and a two-time Two-Comma Club X, and now Two-Comma Club C Award winner!

Your Chance To Achieve The Impact & Wealth

You've Always Wanted Is Right Now...

...Will You Take It?

What Folks Are Saying About

Lou Brown!

Lou’s wealth of knowledge and experience is unmatched. Have a franchise like business is just genius I wish I’d learned about this program years ago.

Vertanya Allen , Memphis TN

Lou is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge clearly accumulated from 1st hand experiences. His pension for helping others grow and develop whether through the path to home ownership or teaching is evident within moments of meeting him. His support team is fantastic and efficient at finding solution to problems.

PF Jimenez , Sumerville  MA

I love Lou’s personality , You know  he is genuine. He has provided so many resources , he has thought of everything!

Tonya McKinney, Las Vegas NV

This is my 4th MHS and I learn more each time. There is so much content and value I can hardly believe the lost cost!

Lou is the real deal. Thank you!

Dave Conrad, Cleburne TX

Lou did a great job presenting how his complete system can be used to set up and run an entire business quickly and efficiently. He teaches us to maximize profits possible in buying and selling RE, without  being a landlord or doing flips.

His system allows us to work smarter, harder, and to scale quickly.

Bryan Schulz,

Pittsburg PA

I’ve spent lots of money and hours with other gurus RE training. Lou’s training actually has a system complete with forms, how to’s, and checklist . Finally, RE investing training that is going to be useful and can use to be successful.

Ly Springer, Milpitas CA

Besides a world of information, I recommend attending live. Nothing can make up for the like minded people you will meet.

Theresa Dewitt, Rockport  TX

Lou gives us so many bits of information, paperwork, and technology to help us grow our business. The benefits of 40 years of knowledge!

Dorothy Belcher,

Bloomington IN

What a fire hose of great information. I want more!

Dave Smith,

Vernon CT

Meeting Lou in person reflects his real personality. He is a very great guy, and is program is amazing. There is nothing like it.

Nasir Kosa, Las Vegas NV

Lou Brown and Street Smart is the best RE training program in the industry.

Gus Rodriguez , Woodland TX

Best Real Estate Finance conference I've ever experienced. 

Bruce Woods, Kansas City KS

Ready To Finally Have The Life & Wealth That You Deserve?

What You Can Expect From The Wealth Building Workshop!

BEFORE The Workshop:

​Confused on how to launch a successful real estate business...

​Lost on what are the best ways to really build wealth

​Don't like real estate because nothing works

Often frustrated or stuck while trying to get a

funnel to work...

AFTER The Workshop:

A fully built-out process that works regardless of your experience

A predictable, sustainable wealth system that brings in hot deals on auto-pilot!

Falling in love with your business because you love what you do & the positive impact

Knowing EXACTLY how to build a legacy for your family and generations to come!

Here's Everything You Get When You Sign Up For

The 1- Day Wealth Building Workshop!

FREE! 1 days of learning on how to build, grow, or scale your Affordable Housing Business! ($1,995 Value)

FREE! Access to our private 'Affordable Housing' Facebook group, where you can get more advice, make connections, and receive support during the challenge! (PRICELESS!)

FREE! Access to all the tools, software and frameworks you will need during the challenge ($995 Value)

Normally: $2,997

Now's The Time To Get Off The Sidelines And Get In The Game...

Join Wealth Builder Workshop Today!

Wealth Builder Workshop © 2023 | All Rights Reserved